Super Smash Flash 2 is a crossover brawler with 24 playable characters including Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Goku, Mega man, and much more. SUPER SMASH FLASH 2? NOTE: This game is still very much a work in progress. If you'd like to assist with the development, please click here. …Super Smash Instruction: It have many of the super smash bro mechanist, such as, shield, dash, Up+B, smash attack, items, and many more. Player 1: WASD: move U: Grab I: Shield O: Attack 1 P: Attack 2 1: Taunt Player 2: WASD: move 5: Grab 1: Shield 2: Attack 1 3: Attack 2 4: Taunt 0: Pause double space to start battle. There are many combinations just liker Super Smash Bro. like Up-B. Go figure it out.